Helping People
Help Themselves
Since 1974
About Us
Through the auspices of the Citizens Involvement Council, Pierre Area Referral Service (PARS) began as a legal aid program in 1974. Since then it has expanded to include information and referral services to callers from Hughes and Stanley Counties and from across the states. PARS also provides emergency assistance to income eligible individuals as well as other programming that is available to all income groups.
Currently the agency administers the Pierre/Ft. Pierre Food Pantry, Holiday Food Program, Emergency Assistance Program, BackPack Food Program, Sr. Food Box Program, and Information & Referral Services. Pierre Area Referral Service is also the local Salvation Army Service Unit for Hughes and Stanley County.
PARS Vision Statement
“To inspire and promote a better quality of life for our community by assisting individuals and families.”
PARS Mission Statement
“Serving people in need through referral and direct service.” Pierre Area Referral Service is a Capital Area United Way partner agency
**This Institution is an equal opportunity provider.