Thank You
The following volunteers offer their services to PARS on a daily and weekly basis and we can't thank them enough:
Tara Adamski— Helps wherever needed.
Bob and Joann Barden— Retired Food Pantry volunteers still donate time and money to PARS when available. “ We want to do what we can to help others”.
Gerry Cass— Cleaning and helping to keep back shelves filled at the Food Pantry; fill in at the office when needed. “I like to do things that help people. I have more time now that I am retired. I like working with the other volunteers.”
Beth Christie— Food Pantry: keep front area stocked and restocked with groceries.; help purchase groceries and deliver to the food pantry; sort and mark incoming donations/purchases as needed. “My life has been truly blessed and I am willing to share whatever I can to help those in need and the chocolate incentives are a plus!”
Sig Clack— Back Pack Program: assist with assembly and filling. “I have the time and I’m needed.”
Kristy Deal— Back Pack Program: assist with assembly and filling. “My mom got me started, it is nice to help the kids out.”
Janice Deal— Back Pack Program: assist with assembly and filling; Food Pantry: assist individuals when they come to the Pantry for food; bell ringing. “I like to help where I see a need, especially, if it is for the children, elderly or fundraisers.”
Arlene Even— Back Pack: assist with assembly, filling and clean-up. “This is a good program for the children and I enjoy doing it.”
Paul Gough— Back Pack: assist with assembly and filling. “I like to be useful.”
Laurie Gronlund— Member at Large of the PARS Governing Board- Citizens Involvement Council also and delivers senior food boxes on a monthly basis. “Volunteering is the right thing to do. It takes all of us doing our part to make this community the most wonderful place to live!”
H.B.(Harry) and Helen Harryman— Retired Food Pantry volunteers. “We believe that it’s good to help out in our community and to help provide for others in need.”
Nathaniel Hart— Monthly senior food box delivery; Thanksgiving & Christmas Holiday meal deliveries; Nathan enjoys the time he gets to spend with his grandfather when they volunteer together. “It just makes you feel good to contribute in a positive way.”
Linda Hausvick - Food Pantry: assist individuals weekly when they come to the pantry for food.
Beverly Jennings— Food Pantry: assist individuals weekly when they come to the pantry for food. Back Pack Program: organize and prepare foods, stuff bags and clean up; fill in at the office when needed. “I like to and it gets me out. I really like to greet people.”
Julia Jones— Secretary of the PARS Governing Board- Citizens Involvement Council; helps wherever needed. “PARS is an important agency for people in our community. The employees can’t possibly do all the work themselves. Volunteers are needed and volunteering is great!”
David Kruger— Monthly senior food box delivery; grocery/bread weekly pickup. “Volunteering is the right thing to do, to help other people. The people we have contact with appreciate what we are doing and honestly, the people you help feel good and I get to feel good, so it is a win-win situation.”
Seth Hipple— Treasurer of the PARS Governing Board- Citizens Involvement Council; helps in office or wherever needed. “PARS is a very important part of this community and this is my way of giving back.”
Jason Jones— Vice President of the PARS Governing Board-Citizens Involvement Council; helps wherever needed.
Karla Pickard— Member at Large of the PARS Governing Board- Citizens Involvement Council; previously volunteered with the Back Pack Program, food pantry during Boy Scout and US Postal Service Food Drives, ringing bells, working at several fundraiser events; helped hand out apples and peanut butter at free food giveaways; helps wherever needed. “I volunteer to help my local community.”
Robin Schumacher— Food Pantry: assist individuals weekly when they come to the pantry for food. “I volunteer to help my community”.
Rachel Smith— Delivers senior food boxes monthly. “I just want to help people.”
Norma Unruh - Food Pantry: assist individuals weekly when they come to the pantry for food.
Tony and Val Wernsmann— Delivers senior boxes and holiday boxes. “It’s a worthwhile project and it makes our hearts feel good to do something for others in our community.”
Jerre Willis— Food Pantry: assist individuals weekly when they come to the pantry for food. “It is a worthy organization that was started by a wonderful person, Ardis Townsend, who cared about citizens in the community not able to sometimes have food/clothing etc. for themselves or family.”
Linda Zeller— Food Pantry: assist individuals weekly when they come to the pantry for food. “I volunteer to help others.”
Sisters from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - Backpack program: assist with setting up tables and lining up food for filling of backpacks.